Branding Support Guidelines

What Is Branding Support?

Enertech Global’s Branding Support Program offers financial incentive to distributors and dealers for the promotion of the Enertech or GeoComfort by Enertech (hereinafter GeoComfort) brand to consumers (end-users). The program exists to create consumer awareness, nurture consumer leads, and increase sales of Enertech or GeoComfort products in local and regional markets. Dealers and distributors can use this program to significantly increase their local presence in association with the Enertech or GeoComfort brand while reducing their advertising costs.

How to Apply For the Branding Support Program

To apply for the Branding Support Program, distributors and dealers will fill out this form, which requires a simple but documented Enertech or GeoComfort Marketing Plan Generator that aligns with the distributor or dealer’s company and best use of branding funds.

Terms of Use

The use of Branding Support Funds is a voluntary transaction between all parties: the distributor, dealers, and Enertech Global, LLC. All distributors and dealers must maintain a good working relationship with Enertech Global, as per the items outlined in the Distributor and Dealer Agreement and Distributor and Dealer Security Agreement. All financial responsibilities and obligations must be kept current and in good standing with Enertech Global, LLC.

Calculating the Amount of Branding Support Funds

For Distributors:

  • New Distributors: The new distributor’s Territory Manager will work with the VP of Sales to determine available branding support funds prior to January 1, if the new distributor has been active for six plus months. The available amount is calculated by taking a maximum value of up to one (1) percent* of the qualified previous calendar year’s equipment purchases. Qualified purchases include: residential units, unit accessories, and geothermal pipe and fittings when purchased at “normal discount” terms. Repair parts, non-unit accessories, special quotes or pricing, or commercial units are not qualified purchases.
    • Example formula: Previous Year’s Purchases x Accrued Percent = Current Year’s Branding Support Funds Available
    • $100,000 x 1% = $1,000
  • Existing Distributors: The distributor’s Territory Manager and VP of Sales will review the distributor’s use of Branding Support Program Funds on an annual basis (prior to January 1 of each year). Not fully utilizing the allocated funds or failure to follow guidelines may result in a reduction or elimination of annual amount. Prior to each annual review, distributors are encouraged to complete the Marketing Plan Generator, which will include a review of the prior year’s advertising efforts that utilized Branding Support Funds
  • Dealers of Distributors: Qualified distributor’s dealers are the responsibility of the distributor. Proper verification of Contractor HVAC Licensing and Product Training should always take place prior to allowing dealers to sell or purchase our brand(s) equipment and receive Branding Support Funds. If a distributor allocates funds to one of their dealers, Enertech Global will deduct from the distributor’s Branding Support Program Funds. Dealers of distributors do not receive Branding Support Program Funds directly.

* To receive more than 1% of the qualified previous calendar year’s equipment purchases, distributors can complete the Marketing Recommendations Quiz, making them eligible for a larger percentage of funds.

For Dealers:

  • New Dealers: The new dealer’s Territory Manager will work with the VP of Sales to determine available branding support funds prior to January 1, if the new dealer has been active for six plus months. The available amount is calculated by taking a maximum value of up to one (1) percent* of the qualified calendar year’s equipment purchases. Qualified purchases include: residential units, unit accessories, and geothermal pipe and fittings when purchased at “normal discount” terms. Repair parts, non-unit accessories, special quotes or pricing, or commercial units are not qualified purchases.
    • Example formula: Previous Year’s Purchases x Accrued Percent = Current Year’s Branding Support Funds Available
    • Example formula: Previous Year’s Purchases x Accrued Percent = Current Year’s Branding Support Funds Available
    • $100,000 x 1% = $1,000
  • Existing Dealers: The dealer’s Territory Manager and VP of Sales will review the dealer’s use of Branding Support Program Funds on an annual basis (prior to January 1 of each year). Not fully utilizing the allocated funds or failure to follow guidelines may result in a reduction or elimination of annual amount.

* To receive more than 1% of the qualified previous calendar year’s equipment purchases, dealers can complete the Marketing Recommendations Quiz, making them eligible for a larger percentage of funds.

Branding Support Program Pre-Approval Process

Consistency and quality are a critical part of brand image, which is why we strongly recommend using the advertising resources we provide. However, we are aware dealers and distributors may want to create their own material. These materials may be eligible for Branding Support Program Funds, but they will need to be preapproved by Enertech’s Marketing Department. Additionally, any item not specified in this program (see eligible items below) should be approved by the Marketing Department through the Pre-Approval Process Form.

The Enertech Marketing Department will let the dealer or distributor know if the material is eligible for Branding Support Funds, and to what degree, within seven business days. Depending on the material, this process may involve more back-and-forth with the dealer or distributor’s marketing personnel.

How to Submit Your Branding Support Program Credit Request

Submit the Branding Support Program Funds Claim Form with the proper documentation attached. See below for what’s needed based on the type of material being submitted.

Branding Support Claim Form

Important Requirements for Elegible Items

Branding Support Program Funds can be used for approved digital, print, radio, pay-per-click, and television advertising, as well as literature, mailings, and trade shows that directly promote Enertech or GeoComfort.

Enertech Global, LLC retains the right to refuse any material for Branding Support claims, as well as the right to request and legally enforce that specific advertising not be used to represent our brands.

Here are some general guidelines for eligible items:

  • The advertising must properly use the Enertech or GeoComfort trademark registration and logos. See below for logo and trademark guidelines.

  • All printed material should display the brand logos in a prominent position using correct Pantone colors. Actual Pantone color code identification is available upon request (
  • One of the approved logo formats must be used in all advertising for it to be eligible. See the logo section of Portal for available options
  • Video, including TV commercials, must display the complete Enertech or GeoComfort logo for three seconds at either the beginning, end, or middle of the video.
  • One third (1/3) of the print or digital ad, literature, or other printed material must be dedicated to geothermal heating and cooling with no other HVAC brands present.
  • The Enertech or GeoComfort logo must be no less than 10 percent of the size of the piece and be no smaller than 1.5 inches in width.
  • At trade shows/events, the Enertech or GeoComfort logo(s) must be prominently displayed and be no smaller than any other brands displayed in the booth (if traditional HVAC brands are present).

If in doubt on whether or not the criteria above is met, fill out the Branding Support Pre-Approval Form to find out.

Eligible Items for Branding Support Program Funds

Print Media includes newspaper, magazine, and other print advertisements.

When submitting the Branding Support Program Funds Claim Form, include:

  • Ad size (dimensions)
  • Amount per ad (if multiple ads with one invoice/contract)
  • Total cost
  • Date ad(s) will run
  • Copy of invoice
  • Copy of each ad showing the publication name and date the ad ran

Digital Media includes display ads, search engine marketing (SEM), pay per click (PPC), native advertising, videos ads, and social media ads.

  • Keywords must be relevant to the Enertech or Geocomfort brands.
  • Keywords should include variations of geothermal (i.e., ground source heat pump, geothermal heat pump, cost of geothermal heat pump, etc.)
  • Social media ads must reference the Enertech or GeoComfort brands in the ad’s caption

When submitting the Branding Support Program Funds Claim Form for print and digital media types, include:

  • Ad size (if applicable)
  • Daily budget (if applicable – PPC, SEM, or social media ad)
  • Copy of ad (either video or screenshot)
  • Copy of invoice

Guidelines for radio:

  • Must mention Enertech or GeoComfort at a minimum of two times. A phone number and website should be referenced in the ad pointing leads to the dealer or one of Enertech’s brands.

When submitting the Branding Support Program Funds Claim Form for radio ads, include:

  • Copy of notarized script provided by the station, stating the number of spots ran, length of each spot, and date of each spot
  • Copy of original station invoice showing cost per spot ran and total cost

Television includes various lengths of television ads.

Guidelines for television:

  • Must display the complete Enertech or GeoComfort logo for three seconds at either the beginning, end, or middle of the video
  • Must reference Enertech or GeoComfort at a minimum of two times
  • If any other HVAC brands are present, Enertech or GeoComfort must receive the same amount of visibility

When submitting the Branding Support Program Funds Claim Form for television ads, include:

  • Copy of television script
  • Copy of advertisement (full-length video)
  • Copy of original invoice stating the number of spots ran, length of each spot, and the date of each spot
  • Copy of original station invoice showing per spot ran and total cost

Direct Mailings include individual pieces of mail and packets

Guidelines for direct mailings:

  • Must display complete Enertech or GeoComfort logo
  • If other HVAC brands are present, Enertech or GeoComfort must receive the same amount of visibility
  • At least 1/3 of the mailer should be dedicated to geothermal/Enertech or GeoComfort

When submitting the Branding Support Program Funds Claim Form for Direct Mail, include:

  • Sample of final mailing packet
  • Postal receipts noting quantity, weight, and date. If mailing is done in-house, a signed letter from an officer of the company stating the quantity mailed and a breakdown of the printing costs is acceptable

Promotional Material include banners, t-shirts, hats, etc.

Guidelines for promotional material:

  • Promotional material should receive pre-approval, as the preference is to purchase Enertech-offered items

When submitting the Branding Support Program Funds Claim Form for promotional material, include:

  • Sample copy of final product (or description of product with part # if supplied by Enertech)
  • Copy of paid invoice stating type and amount
  • Clothing/promotional items may not exceed 25 percent of submitted Branding Support Funds in the calendar year

Trade Shows include local and regional trade shows

Guidelines for trade shows:

  • Enertech Global will consider offering a credit towards a booth space rental only. If it is shared by another competing HVAC product the credit allowance will be reduced proportionately. Should the space be shared by any non-competing products, the credit allowance will be reduced proportionately
  • At trade shows/events, the Enertech or GeoComfort logo(s) must be prominently displayed and be no smaller than any other brands displayed in the booth (if traditional HVAC brands are present)

When submitting the Branding Support Program Funds Claim Form for trade shows, include:

  • Expected number of attendees (as a whole)
  • Number of leads received
  • Copy of cancelled check
  • Copy of agreement for space rental
  • Color photograph of the entire display booth (as a whole)

Website Page(s) include home page, a geothermal page, quote page, a page that promote geothermal technology and/or Enertech products and brands.

Development costs for entire website included but may not exceed 10 percent of available Branding Support Funds in the calendar year.

Guidelines for website page(s):

  • Enertech or GeoComfort must be present in text, logo, or imagery (i.e., unit photos) on page and link to the respective brand’s website one page at least one time per webpage

When submitting the Branding Support Program Funds Claim Form for web pages, include:

  • Sample copy of final product (or description of product with part # if supplied by Enertech)
  • Copy of paid invoice with breakdown of cost on pages with Enertech Global products
  • Dealer websites are not eligible for Branding Support Program Funds because the price has been cut in half of its original

Display Backdrops/Banner Stands include displays, banner stands, and other booth needs for trade shows and events.

Guidelines for display backdrops/banner stands:

  • Enertech Global’s preference is to use our supplied trade show graphics/banner stands. *

When submitting the Branding Support Program Funds Claim Form, include:

  • Picture of entire display (be sure Enertech and/or GeoComfort graphics are visible)
  • Individual pictures of Enertech and/or GeoComfort graphics
  • Copy of paid invoice (even if purchased through Enertech Global)

* Banner stands Enertech creates are available for purchase and eligible for Branding Support Funds. You may borrow backdrops and banner stands from Enertech Global, LLC. If they are not returned or returned in poor condition, there will be a charge not eligible for Branding Support Program Funds. To request a backdrop/banner stand for a show, fill out the Backdrop/Banner Stand Request Form at least 6 weeks prior to the show. Borrowed graphics are on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Banner/Banner Stand Request Form

Signage includes building, vehicle graphics, outdoor signs, billboards, etc.

Guidelines for signage:

  • Enertech and/or GeoComfort logo must be present and be no smaller than any other mentioned brands
  • Dealer or distributor’s logo can be larger than Enertech or GeoComfort’s

When submitting the Branding Support Program Funds Claim Form, include:

  • Picture of entire graphic, whether that be in a show room, on a truck, etc.
  • Copy of paid invoice
  • If a billboard is secured, Enertech Global will provide Branding Support Program Funds annually and not collectively


  • Advertisements that could be considered donations, including, but not limited to, advertisements in bulletins, athletic or theatrical programs, yearbooks, sponsorships of teams, races, etc.
    • May not exceed 10 percent of available Branding Support Funds in the calendar year
    • Documentation showing representation of Enertech or its brands must be submitted for approval.
  • Customer gifts
    • Limited to 10% of total available funds
    • Documentation showing representation of Enertech or its brands must be submitted for approval.

We are open to receiving Brand Support Program Fund Claims for items other than those listed above. In these instances, we strongly recommend going through the Pre-Approval process to ensure your claim is accepted.

When submitting the Branding Support Program Funds Claim Form, include:

  • Copy of paid invoice with explanation of advertising
  • Copy of advertising (picture, screenshot, or video – whichever is applicable)

Examples of media and material ineligible for Branding Support Program Funds include, but are not limited to:

  • Shipping, electrical, and labor charges for displays and exhibits
  • Any trade show costs in addition to booth space fee
  • Shipping charges or postage for any items
  • National, state, city, or other taxes of any kind
  • Claims from the previous calendar year
  • Advertising in religious or political-affiliated publications or other outlets
  • Food and drink
  • Advertising that displays competitive brand of geothermal products
  • Office supplies, including pens, pencils, business cards, letterhead, price lists, etc.
  • Seminars, classes, or employee development training not sponsored by Enertech Global, LLC

Eligible Items for Branding Support Program Funds That Do Not Require a Claim

Literature: Enertech offers literature free of charge. As such, claims for literature should not be submitted for reimbursement. Shipping charges will be invoiced at actual rates and are not eligible for Branding Support Program Funds.

  • If a dealer or distributor chooses to create their own promotional literature, a claim must be submitted, and you must go through the Pre-Approval process.

Use of Trademark and Logo

A trademark should always be used as an adjective, not a noun. For example:

  • Correct Use
    • We sell GEOCOMFORT geothermal heat pumps.
    • I have an ENERTECH unit in my home.
  • Incorrect Use:
    • We sell GEOCOMFORT.
    • I have an ENERTECH in my home.

Branded logos shouldn’t be used within a headline or body copy. In place of the logo, use "Enertech" or “GeoComfort" set in a type style to match or complement the style used in the headline or body copy.

The first use of the brand’s trademark in any printed material must include proper notice of trademark registration (® ).

All advertising must show proper use of the registered trademark of Enertech or GeoComfort. All advertisements must use the most current Enertech or GeoComfort logo.

Enertech Brand Logos

Approved Logo Use

Standard GeoComfort Logo (With Tag Line): This version should be used in most instances. Reproduction in black and white is acceptable. No other alterations or variations of this logo are allowed. Materials using older or unapproved versions of the GeoComfort logo will not receive Branding Support Program Funds.

GeoComfort Logo (Without Tag Line): This version should be used in situations where a smaller logo is needed (logo will be less than 2 inches wide) for better legibility. Reproduction in black and white is acceptable. No alterations or variations of this logo are allowed. Materials using older or unapproved versions of the GeoComfort logo will not receive Branding Support Program Funds.

Standard Enertech Logo (With Tagline): This version should be used in most instances. Reproduction in black and white is acceptable. No other alterations or variations of this logo are allowed. Materials using older or unapproved versions of the Enertech logo will not receive Branding Support Program Funds.

Standard Enertech Logo (Without Tagline): This version should be used in situations where a smaller logo is needed (logo will be less than 2 inches wide) for better legibility. Reproduction in black and white is acceptable. No alterations or variations of this logo are allowed. Materials using older or unapproved versions of the Enertech logo will not receive Branding Support Program Funds.

Branding Support Program Credits

Enertech Global, LLC will issue a credit to the distributor up to 25 percent and to the dealer up to 50 percent of the net advertising costs on all approved activities and items as specified in this policy, and agreed upon by the VP of Sales.

Your Enertech Territory Manager receives a monthly report detailing the funds your company has used and what amount remains. You may wish to check with them to make sure your records coincide.

Distributor Example:

Total Ad Cost $100
Enertech Global Share $25
Suggested Distributor Share $25
Suggested Distributor's Dealer Share $50

Dealer Example:

Total Ad Cost $100
Enertech Global Share $50
Dealer Share $50

Custom sales and promotional literature not produced by Enertech Global will be credited a maximum of 25 percent so long as it meets the qualifying criteria noted under the “Eligible Items for Branding Support Program Funds” and “Important Advertising Requirements.”

Branding Support Program Fund Claims are credited on NET cost (based upon the US Dollar and not including sales tax) including discounts, rebates, or additional sources of funding. If ads are placed using logos other than Enertech, GeoComfort, and local dealer logos, the percentage of co-op will be determined at the discretion of the Enertech Global Marketing Department.

Branding Support Program Credit Exceptions

Training school supplies, manuals, and other related materials are eligible for up to 50 percent credit. However, up to 75 percent of the total available Branding Support Program accrued funds may be used for staff or dealer training purposes, and the Pre-Approval Process. The remainder must be used for advertising and promotional activities. Training instructor fees are not eligible under this program. Distributors, please consult your Territory Manager for details.

Clothing and Uniforms: Uniforms designed by the dealer or distributor with Pre-Approval will be eligible for a maximum credit of 25 percent of their eligible Branding Support Program Funds. The amount of the credit will be determined by the Marketing Department factoring in variables such as amount of branding and presence of other logos. Clothing/promotional items may not exceed 25 percent of submitted Branding Support Funds in the fourth quarter of the calendar year.

GeoAnalyst Residential Software: The software is offered for free at

Advertising Including Other Brands: Ads that include another non-competitive manufacturer’s logo(s) will be eligible for Branding Support Program Funds and the percentage will be assigned at the discretion of the Marketing Department. Non-competitive manufacturer's logos should not exceed the size of Enertech Global’s brands’ logos.

Dealer Conversion: Distributors engaging in targeted marketing activities exclusively towards the conversion of other branded geothermal dealers may be eligible to receive credit up to 50%, at the discretion of the Marketing Department pending Pre-Approval.

Branding Support Program Claim Periods

All marketing or advertising will be submitted during each quarterly period listed below regarding the actual advertising completed during each calendar year (January 1st through December 31st). All Branding Support Program Fund Claims for the annual period must be submitted by the cut-off dates listed below to obtain credit towards your account and available Branding Support Program Funds. All claims, even those eligible under the program, will be denied if submitted outside of these deadlines, and no credit will be given.

Claim Date Deadline for Credit
Claim Date: January 1 – March 31 Deadline for Credit: June 30
Claim Date: April 1 – June 30 Deadline for Credit: September 30
Claim Date: July 1 – September 30 Deadline for Credit: December 31
Claim Date: October 1 – December 31 Deadline for Credit: January 10

This policy supersedes all previous cooperative advertising policies published by Enertech, GeoComfort, or Enertech Manufacturing, LLC.

When Enertech started in 1996, it was with one simple philosophy: People Come First